rainbow nursery
Rainbow Nursery is a non-denominational setting serving the community of Bathgate and other outlying areas of West Lothian. The company was established in 1988 and has been owned by the current owners since 2003.
We have a main building on Gideon Street with a three storey extension which houses a Toddler (Yellow) Room in the lower ground floor and the Tweenie (Blue) and Baby (Pink) Rooms and an Office on the ground floor. We have a kitchen, Staff Room and our Out of School Club (The Den) on the first floor. We also have a large garden with defined areas for each room and a shared area.
In April 2013 we moved our pre-school service into a new building on Hopetoun Street, Bathgate. This building has its own kitchen, staff room, offices, playroom and garden area. The room name was changed from Preschool to Rainbow Green Room in 2017.
We can have a maximum of 180 children attending each session. Our Pink and Blue Rooms can have a maximum of 18 children each, our Yellow Room 28, Green Room (Hopetoun Street building) can have 60 and our Out of School Care (The Den) can have 45.
We have two Nursery Directors, a Finance Manager, Nursery Manager and Assistant Manager. We employ 29 members of staff. 23 are qualified to a minimum of level 3 and 3 are qualified to level 2 (support workers). We also have a Bus Driver and 2 Cooks.
We are open 5 days per week, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7.00am and 6.00pm.
The children in our care are at the heart of everything we do and we value nurturing, honest and supportive relationships with our families so that we can work together effectively to meet each child’s needs.
We are in partnership with West Lothian Council and are supported by our ELC Partnership Support Manager. We work with local primary schools, specialist provisions and other Early Years establishments to which a child may be transferring or may also attend to ensure each child’s needs are met fully.
We care for children with a variety of needs so have links with Health Visitors, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and the GIRFEC Team. We are also supported by our West Lothian Council ASN Development Officer for Early Years.
Our Nursery Values are Happiness, Outdoors, Play and Experiences (HOPE). Our Curriculum Framework is built around the 3 L’s – Love, Learning and Life. We follow and promote Frobelian Principles – Relationships, Autonomous Learning, Life Skills and the Importance of Play, Nature, Creativity and Community. This shared ethos promotes high quality care and learning for all of our children.