Aberdeen City Council
All Jobs
- As a Disability Confident employer, we offer a guaranteed interview for applicants who have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
- We offer a guaranteed interview for looked after young people, those that are in continuing care or are a care leaver up to the age of 29 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
Modern Apprenticeships (not craft / trades)
- As a Disability Confident employer, we offer a guaranteed interview for applicants who have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
- We offer a guaranteed interview for applicants who are aged between 16 and 24 who are resident in the Aberdeen City boundary or have attended a secondary school in Aberdeen City and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
- We offer a guaranteed interview for looked after young people, those that are in continuing care or are a care leaver up to the age of 29 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
- We offer a guaranteed interview for "New Scots"* aged between 16 and 24 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
- We offer a guaranteed interview for all those who have undertaken a Foundation Apprenticeship with Aberdeen City Council up to a maximum of two years ago and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile
Apprenticeships (craft / trades)
- As a Disability Confident employer, we offer a guaranteed interview for applicants who have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
- We offer a guaranteed interview for looked after young people, those that are in continuing care or are a care leaver up to the age of 29 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
- We offer a guaranteed interview for "New Scots"* aged between 16 and 24 and who meet the criteria set out in the job profile.
*"New Scots" are defined as refugees and asylum seekers who are in Scottish communities and include those who have been granted refugee status or another form of humanitarian protection, people seeking asylum, those who have been refused asylum, and those whose application has been refused but who remain in Scotland. Please note that eligibility to work in the UK is dependent on legal status and all applicants must have the right to live and work in the UK.