Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
We are SFRS …
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is the largest fire and rescue service in the UK and the fourth largest in the world. Our Firefighters are at the heart of our communities and work in what can be unpredictable, but most certainly an exciting and rewarding role.
Our most recognisable role is emergency response and we attend over 90,000 incidents a year, covering everything from fires and road traffic collisions to water rescues and chemical spills.
While our staff are ready for action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, our role begins long before any 999 call is made, and in communities right across Scotland, we are working to deliver crucial safety messages in the fight against fire.
While we have a critical role in dealing with risks including terrorism, severe weather and emergency medical response, we deliver so much more for our communities to ensure we remain relevant to the needs of the people of Scotland.
Our frontline is supported by a hardworking team of non-uniformed staff, from accountants and ICT specialists to cooks and technicians, without whom we could not function.
Our high service standards and commitment to development have ensured that our staff continue to be amongst the best equipped and most highly trained in the world.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is a Stonewall Diversity Champion and is committed to advancing lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) equality and this is reflective in all our policies which are inclusive of all protected characteristics.
For more information on working with us, please visit the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service website .