Employer Accreditations
Many organisations have signed up to various accreditation schemes. Information regarding these schemes an how they benefit you is listed below.
Armed Forces Covenant
The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation to those who serve or who have served, and their families, which says we will do all we can to ensure they are treated fairly and not disadvantaged in their day-to-day lives.
There are three awards available to employers, to be awarded any of the below status, employers have signed the Armed Forces Covenant.
Bronze Award
Self nominated by employers who pledge to support the armed forces, including existing or prospective employees who are members of the community. Employers promote themselves as being armed forces-friendly and are open to employing reservists, armed forces veterans (including the wounded, injured and sick), cadet instructors and military spouses/partners.
Silver Award
Employers proactively demonstrating that service personnel/armed forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged as part of their recruiting and selection processes. They actively ensure that their workforce is aware of their positive policies towards defence people issues. With regards to Reserves, the employer provides at least 5 days’ additional unpaid/paid leave for training and supports mobilisations or has a framework in place.
Gold Award
Employers proactively demonstrating that service personnel/armed forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged as part of their recruiting and selection processes and, where possible, engage with Career Transition Partnership. The employer actively ensures that their workforce is aware of their positive policies towards defence people issues and advocates support to defence people issues to partner organisations, suppliers and customers. With regards to Reserves, the employer provides at least 10 days’ additional fully paid leave for training and supports mobilisations or has a framework in place.
Disability Confident
Disability Confident is a government scheme encouraging employers to recruit and retain disabled people and those with health conditions. It has replaced the previous Two Ticks Positive About Disabled People scheme.
To be recognised as Disability Confident the employer has agreed to five commitments:
Inclusive and accessible recruitment
Communicating vacancies
Offering an interview to disabled people
Providing reasonable adjustments
Supporting existing employees
The scheme is voluntary and has been developed by employers and disabled people’s representatives. There are three levels:
Level 1: Committed
The employer agrees to the Disability Confident Commitments and will have identified at least one action from the following list that they will carry out to make a difference for disabled people: work experience, work trials, paid employment, apprenticeships, job shadowing, traineeships, internships, student placements or sector-based work academy placements.
Level 2: Employer
To have progressed to level 2 the employer has completed a self-assessment around getting the right people for their business and keeping and developing these people. This will have demonstrated they are going the extra mile to make sure disabled people get a fair chance.
Level 3: Leader
To have reached level 3, the employer's self assessment will have been validated by an external to the business. The employer will already be employing disabled people and will be reporting on disability, mental health and wellbeing.
Work and Save
Work and Save is an initiative supported by the Scottish government to encourage employers to set up payroll savings for all workers through credit unions.
Employers can use the Work and Save logo to communicate their commitment to financial inclusion - they are helping employees build financial resilience.
Employees who build up a savings cushion have less need to borrow for emergencies and much reduced financial stress.
Equally Safe at Work
Equally Safe at Work is an innovative employer accreditation programme developed by Close the Gap, Scotland’s expert policy and advocacy organisation working on women’s labour market equality. It supports employers to improve their employment practice to advance gender equality at work and prevent violence against women. By receiving accreditation, employers have demonstrated leadership and commitment to addressing women’s inequality at work through policy review, training and awareness-raising activities.
The Prince's Responsible Business Network
Business in the Community is leading the responsible business movement to make the world a fairer and more sustainable place to live and work. We believe in the power of business as a force for good, encouraging UK businesses to join us. Formed in 1982, and with His Majesty King Charles III as our Royal Founding Patron, we are the largest and longest-established membership organisation dedicated to responsible business. With 40 years of expertise, we are at the forefront of research and responsible business advice.
Stonewall Diversity Champion
At Stonewall, we stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. We imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be ourselves and can live our lives to the full.
We know that people perform better when they can be themselves. That’s why we created our Diversity Champions programme. Diversity Champions share our core belief in the power of a workplace that is truly equal. Together, we’ve become Britain’s leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBTQ+ staff are welcomed and respected in the workplace, no matter where they work.
Young Persons Guarantee
The Young Person's Guarantee brings together employers, partners and young people. It aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering. It could also be an enterprise opportunity.
Happy to Talk Flexible Working
Working Families, with the support of the Government’s Flexible Working Taskforce, have developed the Happy To Talk Flexible Working strapline and logo to support employers on their journey to designing more flexible roles.
Flexible working can increase an employer’s talent pool, boost performance, increase engagement and retention, and support equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) objectives.
Carer Positive Employer in Scotland
Carer Positive is a Scottish Government initiative delivered by Carers Scotland. They work with employers to help them develop workplace support for members of staff who have caring responsibilities at home. Supportive organisations are then recognised with nationally recognised employer awards.
Scottish Living Wage Accreditation
The real Living Wage is an independently calculated rate based on the cost of living and is paid voluntarily by employers. The rate is calculated annually by The Resolution Foundation on an analysis of the wage that employees need to earn in order to afford the basket of goods required for a decent standard of living. This basket of goods includes housing, childcare, transport and heating costs. Employers displaying this logo have committed to pay at least the real Living Wage to all directly employed members of staff and regular contracted workers aged 18 and over.
The Promise
Following its Independent Care Review, Scotland made a promise to care experienced children and young people that they will grow up loved, safe, and respected.
Employers can use the promise logo to demonstrate their commitment to keeping the promise through their work.
See Me: in Work
See Me is Scotland's national programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.
See Me in Work Partner status is awarded to employers that are demonstrating a genuine and sustained commitment to creating mentally healthy workplaces free from stigma and discrimination. Employers can use the See Me in Work Partner logo to communicate that their commitment to engaging with the See Me in Work Programme is continuous and ongoing.
The Pregnancy Loss Pledge
By signing the Miscarriage Association’s Pregnancy Loss Pledge, employers commit to supporting their staff through the often difficult and distressing time of pregnancy loss. They pledge to be understanding and recognise the impact of pregnancy loss (including partners), support time off, offer a flexible and supportive return to work and to implement a specific policy or guidance.

recruit with conviction
Recruit With Conviction promotes safe, suitable and sustainable employment for people with convictions.
LGBT Charter
The LGBT Charter is a straightforward programme that enables an organisation to proactively include LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people in every aspect of work, supporting staff and volunteers and providing a high quality service to customers or service users. The programme has been developed to support organisations to undertake training and review policies, practice and resources to make sure that not only legislative needs are met but that they are as inclusive as they can be.