Your local voice, nationally
COSLA, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, is the representative voice of Scottish local government, lobbying on behalf of our members. As a membership organisation, one of our highest priorities is to maintain and enhance our relationship with member councils. Our major priorities include promoting the role of local government as a vital part of the government of Scotland and championing local services, local leadership and local accountability. COSLA also works directly with the Scottish Government and Parliament to influence public policy and practice, and to ensure that local government has the necessary resources to implement policy on behalf of its communities.
We strive to enable elected members of different political groups to have the opportunity to contribute to COSLA’s work and to develop policies for local government which represent, as far as possible, consensus between our political groups. We also draw on the support and advice of professional associations and council officers to provide professional expertise throughout the policy development process.
To find out more about COSLA, including relevant publications and committee reports, please visit www.cosla.gov.uk