Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living
Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living is run by disabled people for disabled people. We believe that barriers disable people, not impairments. Our support, payroll, training, employment and consultancy services enable disabled people to assert more control over their lives as equal citizens.
Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living provides:
One-to-one assistance, advice, information, and training for disabled people who want to manage their own support (self-directed support).
Take Control offices offer Support Services in East Dunbartonshire and South Lanarkshire local authority areas.
A range of payroll options that take the strain out of employing personal assistants or paying agencies.
One-to-one support, advice, information, and advocacy for people who need an adapted or accessible home in Greater Glasgow. We also offer adaptation information via our Adapt2Fit website www.adapt2fit.org.uk
A variety of employment services aimed at disabled people and employers
Primarily focused on supporting disabled people into employment.
Organisational and policy development on disability equality, diversity issues and access audits. Disability equality and diversity training tailored to your organisation’s needs.
Right to Speak
In conjunction with Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board we hold a range of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Equipment that is available to try or borrow on a trial basis.
GCIL promotes independent living. Independent living means disabled people of all ages having the same freedom, choice, dignity and control as other citizens at home, at work, and in the community. It does not mean living by yourself or fending for yourself. It means rights to practical assistance and support to participate in society and live an ordinary life.
GCIL is a company limited by guarantee (no. 161693) and a registered Scottish Charity (no. SC024299)