DD8 Music is a registered Scottish charity, dedicated to promoting involvement in musical and creative activities to people of all ages throughout Angus, with our main building situated in Kirriemuir. Our mission is to empower, inspire and transform lives through the power of creativity, music and community led activity. Our vision is for everyone to live in inspired, creative and transformed communities. We always look to promote opportunities for all individuals to make the most of their lives and talents. We will include the voices and opinions of those we engage with – our young people, our volunteers and our community in everything we do and be led by them.

 We run many free, weekly music sessions throughout Angus tailored to all demographics and musical interests. We enable all people to have the freedom to experiment with music, be encouraged to develop and learn new skills and meet new, likeminded people.

 Our weekly free and varied group sessions across Kirriemuir, Forfar, Arbroath and Montrose cover song writing, learning instruments such as guitar and bass, playing music with others, music technology, including recording and editing and using DAW software, developing industry relevant skills within bands and learning photography skills. We also hold a weekly youth-centred Open Studio and our Friday Youth Group after school time in Kirriemuir. Most recently, we have begun hosting open mics in the Osnaburg in Forfar.