ASN Support Worker (9106), Gaelic, Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath
- Location:
- Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Paible Isle of North Uist, HS6 5DX
- Salary:
- £27,365 - £29,655 per year pro rata
- Contract Type:
- Temporary
- Position Type:
- Part Time
- Hours:
- 6 hours per week
Job Description
Neach-taice ASN (9106), Gàidhlig, Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath
6 uairean gach seachdain, rè teirm na sgoile, airson ùine fòrladh màthaireachd
£5,271 - £5,712 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £444 de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach gach bliadhna
Bidh aig an neach a gheibh an dreuchd taic fhoghlamach, ghiùlanach agus chùraim ann an sgoiltean/sgoiltean-àraich/suidheachaidhean foghlamach eile a chur ri clann le feumalachdan taice dùbhlanach a bharrachd.
Bithear a’ coileanadh dleastanasan eadar diofar sgoiltean, a rèir fheumalachdan na cloinne, ach dh’fhaodadh gum bi iad a’ gabhail a-steach na leanas: a’ cuideachadh ann a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh Phrògraman Stiùireadh Giùlain airson daoine òga so-leònte; a’ cuideachadh sgoilearan le feumalachdan dlùth-chùraim; a’ stiùireadh gu dìreach giùlan dhaoine òga mar a tha e mìnichte nam Planaichean Cùram-slàinte; agus a’ cumail sùil air clann aig àm-cluiche agus aig àm lòin, ann an sgoil/sgoil-àraich no san raon-cluiche.
Feumaidh tuigse a bhith agad air leasachadh cloinne agus na rudan a bhios a’ toirt buaidh air giùlan, ionnsachadh agus leasachadh cloinne. Tha e deatamach gu bheil an comas agad a bhith balaisteach ann suidheachaidhean riaslach, agus gun urrainn dhut dàimhean stèidhichte air earbsa a chumail suas. Feumaidh eòlas a bhith agad ann a bhith ag obair le clann – gu proifeiseanta no gu saor-thoileach – aig a bheil fìor dhroch dhuilgheadasan ionnsachaidh agus giùlan dùbhlanach.
Feumaidh cead-draibhidh RA slàn a bhith agad.
Ceann-latha son iarrtasan: Diluain 23 Sultain 2024
ASN Support Worker (9106), Gaelic, Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath
6 hours per week, term-time, maternity cover
£5,271 - £5,712 per annum, inclusive of £444 Distant Islands Allowance per annum
The post holder will be required to provide educational, behavioural and care support in schools/pre-schools/alternative educational setting for children with complex and additional support needs.
Duties will vary between educational establishments, depending on the needs of the children involved, but they could include the following: assisting in the Behaviour Management Programmes for vulnerable young people; assisting pupils with intimate care needs; directly managing the behaviour of young people as detailed in their Health Care Plan; and supervision of children at intervals and lunch breaks, in school/pre-school or the playground.
You must have an understanding of child development and factors which affect children’s behaviour, learning and development. The ability to remain calm in difficult situations is essential along with the ability to establish and maintain relationships of trust and confidence. You must have experience of working with children – professionally or voluntarily – who have severe/profound learning difficulties and challenging behaviour.
Fluency in Gaelic is essential.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of the grade.
Please see attached Job Description & Person Specification for further information.
Closing Date: Monday 23 September 2024