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Ref no:
Education Development Centre 6 Kenneth Street Stornoway Isle of Lewis, HS1 2DR
£32,509 - £35,229 per year pro rata
Contract Type:
Position Type:
Part Time
29.8 hours per week


Children’s Services Support Worker (9807), Early Years
29.8 hours per week, fixed term
£26,183 - £28,373 per annum, inclusive of £2,208 Distant Islands Allowance

-15 hours per week of the post will be fixed term until 31 March 2025.
-14.8 hours per week of the post will be fixed term for the duration of the maternity cover.

The postholder will be required to support the inclusion, attainment and achievement of vulnerable children and young people in school, home and community settings, through direct work with children and young people, their families, and other support staff as part of an Integrated Children’s Services approach.

Duties will vary between settings, depending on the needs of the children and young people involved but could include the following: assisting in the design of Behaviour Management Programmes for vulnerable young people; working in family settings and out of school settings to support young people through recreational activities, vocational experiences, group work and independent living; directly managing the behaviour of young people with challenging behaviour; and participating in early identification and intervention programmes by monitoring attendance and liaison with school staff.

You must have knowledge of educational provision, including post-school provisions along with a good understanding on the needs of children who need to be looked after and/or accommodated. It is essential you have the ability to work with and understand young people who may have complex social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

The post holder must be educated to HNC/SVQ level in a relevant area (Education, Social Work, Psychology or Health) or relevant work experience.

A full driving licence is essential for this post.

Please see attached Family Support Services Booklet which gives an overview of what the post involves working under the Early Years Department.

This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children.

Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of the grade.

Please see attached Job Description & Person Specification for further information.

Closing Date: Monday 21 October 2024



Neach-obrach Taice Sheirbheisean Cloinne (9807), Tràth-bhliadhnaichean
29.8 uairean gach seachdain, ùine-shuidhichte
£26,183 - £28,373 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £2,208 de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach

-Bidh 15 uairean gach seachdain den dreuchd mar ùine-shuidhichte gu 31 Màrt 2025.
-Bidh14.8 uairean gach seachdain den dreuchd mar ùine-shuidhichte fad ùine fòrladh màthaireachd

Feumaidh an neach a gheibh an obair taic a chur ri ion-ghabhaltas, buileachadh agus coileanadh cloinne so-leònte agus dhaoine òga san sgoil, aig an taigh agus sa choimhearsnachd, tro bhith ag obair gu dìreach le clann is daoine òga, na teaghlaichean aca, agus luchd-obrach taice eile mar phàirt de dh’iomairt Sheirbheisean Cloinne Amalaichte.

Bithear a’ coileanadh dleastanasan eadar diofar àitean, a rèir fheumalachdan na cloinne agus nan daoine òga, ach dh’fhaodadh gum bi iad a’ gabhail a-steach na leanas: a’ cuideachadh ann a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh Phrògraman Stiùireadh Giùlain airson daoine òga so-leònte; ag obair ann an suidheachaidhean teaghlaich agus taobh a-muigh na sgoile gus taic a chur ri daoine òga tro thachartasan stèidhichte air cur-seachadan, thachartasan dreuchdail, obair buidhne agus a bhith beò air an ceann fhèin; a’ stiuireadh giùlan dùbhlanach dhaoine òga gu dìreach; agus a’ gabhail pàirt ann am prògraman aithneachaidh agus eadar-mheadhain tràth, le bhith a’ cumail sùil air làthaireachd agus le bhith ann an conaltradh le luchd-obrach na sgoile.

Feumaidh eòlas math a bhith agad air solar foghlaim, a’ gabhail a-steach solar às dèidh na sgoile, a bharrachd air tuigse math air feumalachdan cloinne a dh’fheumas a bhith fo chùram agus/no a dh’fheumas àite-fuirich. Tha e deatamach gu bheil comas agad a bhith ag obair le, agus a’ tuigsinn, dhaoine òga aig a bheil duilgheadasan sòisealta, faireachail agus giùlain ioma-fhillteach.

Feumaidh an neach a gheibh an dreachd a bhith air oideachadh gu ìre HNC/SVQ ann an cuspair buntainneach (Foghlam, Obair Shòisealta, Eòlas-inntinn no Slàinte) no eòlas obrach iomchaidh.

Feumar cead-draibhidh slàn airson na dreuchd seo.

Faicibh an Leabhran Sheibheisean Taice Teaghlaich an lùib seo, a bhios a’ toirt seachad mìneachadh air cò ris a bhiodh e coltach a bhith ag obair san dreuchd mar phairt de Roinn Tràth-bhliadhnaichean.

Feumaidh an neach a bhios san dreuchd a bhith clàraichte airson Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònte (PVG) a thaobh a bhith ag obair le clann.

Tha tuarastal na dreuchd seo a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach. Thèid an neach a shoirbhicheas fhastadh air a’ chiad phuing de na rangan.

Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh san Tuairisgeul Obrach agus san Tuairisgeul Pearsanta a tha an lùib seo.

Ceann-latha airson iarrtasan: Diluain 21 Dàmhair 2024



  • Disability Confident Employer - Employer
  • Scottish Living Wage