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Ref no:
Various throughout Scotland
£37,896 - £47,565 per year pro rata
Contract Type:
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0 hours per week
Work From Home:

Job Description

’S e iomairt-ionnsachaidh air loidhne nàiseanta a th’ ann an e-Sgoil, stèidhichte ann an Steòrnabhagh, Eilean Leòdhais, a tha ag amas air co-ionannachd ann an roghainnean curraicealach ann an sgoiltean. Chaidh e a chruthachadh cuideachd mar aithneachadh air mar a bhios daoine òga a’ fuireach agus ag ionnsachadh an latha an-diugh. An dèidh coinneamh aghaidh ri aghaidh an toiseach a leigeas dha sgoilearan agus luchd-teagaisg eòlas a chur air a chèile, thèid a’ mhòr-chuid den teagasg a dhèanamh tro Microsoft Teams, inneal co-labhairt bhideo eadar-ghnìomhach. Gheibhear na h-innealan-teagaisg eile tro Glow. Thathar a’ toirt seachad trèanadh agus taic-teicnigeach dhan luchd-teagaisg. 

Ma tha sibh airson barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu e-Sgoil, no teirmean agus cùmhnantan, faodar na ceanglachain a leughadh no fios a chur gu e-Sgoil, aig


e-Sgoil, based in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, is a national on-line learning initiative geared to promoting equity in curricular choice in schools. It is also a response to the rapid change in the way our young people live and learn. After an initial face-to-face meeting which enables pupils and teachers to get to know each other, most of the teaching takes place through Microsoft Teams, an interactive, video-conferencing facility. The other teaching tools and resources required are available through the Glow suite. Training and technical back-up is provided for all staff. 

Should you wish to find out more about e-Sgoil, or terms and conditions, you can view the attachments or contact e-Sgoil, on



Thathar a’ lorg luchd-teagaisg an-dràsta bho air feadh Alba, no fiù ’s bho àitichean eile, aig a bheil ùidh ann a bhith a’ cur an ainmean sìos air liosta-sòlair airson cuspairean far a bheil gainne luchd-teagaisg againne, agus aig ùghdarrasan eile. Bhiodh stòr-dàta mar seo a’ leigeil dhuinn àitean bàn airson ùine ghoirid a lìonadh agus luchd-teagaisg a chur an dreuchd àite sam bith ann an Alba tòrr nas luaithe. Feumar clàradh slàn GTCS agus sgilean ICT. 

Ma tha sibh an-dràsta ann an dreuchd pàirt-ùine no air ur dreuchd a leigeil dhibh bho chionn ghoirid, agus ma tha ùidh agaibh ann a bhith ag obair gu sùbailt, cuiribh fios thugainn. Faodaidh tagraichean a bhith stèidhichte àite sam bith ann an Alba. Chan eil feumalachdan ann a thaobh an àireamh de chlasaichean a dh’ fheumas sibh teagasg. 


We are currently looking for teachers from anywhere in Scotland or indeed further afield, who are interested in having their names on a supply list for subjects in which we, and other local authorities, are experiencing staffing shortages. Having such a database will enable us to match people to temporary vacancies and allow for deployment anywhere in Scotland much more quickly. Full GTCS registration and confidence in using ICT is required. 

If you are currently employed part-time or recently retired and interested in working flexibly, we would like to hear from you. Potential applicants can be based anywhere in Scotland. There is no minimum requirement with regard to the number of periods you may wish to teach. 

  • Disability Confident Employer - Employer
  • Scottish Living Wage