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Ref no:
Shawbost School North Shawbost Isle of Lewis, HS2 9BQ
£24,020 - £24,929 per year pro rata
Contract Type:
Position Type:
Part Time
23.5 hours per week


Nursery Key Worker,Unqualified, Gaelic Medium, Sgoil Àraich Shiaboist (7693)
23.5 hours per week, term-time, Permanent
£15,659 - £16,251 per annum, inclusive of £1,505 Distant Islands Allowance per annum

Ag obair tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, cumaidh sibh taic ri curaicealam a tha stiùireadh ionnsachadh is leasachadh chloinne san fharsaingeachd, agus a’ cur air dòigh seiseanan cluiche a’ toirt aire do dh’fheumalachdan gach pàiste.

Feumaidh eòlas dearbhte a bhith agaibh ann an cùram chloinne ag obair le clann bheaga agus an teaghlaichean ann an suidheachadh tràth bhliadhnachan.

Tha comas labhairt agus leughaidh Gàidhlig riatanach.

Tha an tuarastal ainmichte a gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach. `S ann air a’ chiad puing den ìre-pàighidh a thèid an dreuchd a shuidheachadh.

Ceann-latha airson Iarrtasan: Diluain 10 an Gearran 2025

Through the medium of Gaelic, you will plan a curriculum which supports and guides children’s all-round learning and development, and plan and organise the play session taking into account the needs of every child.

You must have proven childcare experience working with young children and their families in an early years setting.

The ability to speak and read Gaelic is essential.

The days and working hours of this post will be:

-Monday 8.15am - 4.30pm
-Tuesday – Friday 8.30am - 12.30pm

The salary quoted is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of the grade.

Please see attached Job Description & Person Specification for further information.

Closing Date: Monday 10 February 2025

  • Disability Confident Employer - Employer
  • Scottish Living Wage