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Ref no:
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Council Offices Sandwick Road Stornoway Isle of Lewis, HS1 2BW
£37,896 - £47,565 per year pro rata
Contract Type:
Position Type:
0 hours per week


Urgent requirement in secondary sciences, Gaelic Primary Teachers across all geographical areas but particularly Uist and Barra and Primary Teachers (English) across all geographical areas.

The Education, Skills and Children’s Services Department operates a register of supply teachers willing to undertake short-term cover for teacher absences.

The purpose of this post is to contribute to overall school effectiveness in respect of the following areas:

(b)Care and welfare
(d)Professional development.

The successful candidate must be registered with the GTC Scotland.

Candidates should ensure that they address all aspects of the person specification in their application.

Subject to the policies of the school and the education authority the duties of teachers are to perform such tasks as the headteacher shall direct having reasonable regard to overall teacher workload related to the following categories:

1 Teaching assigned classes together with associated preparation and correction.
2 Developing the school curriculum.
3 Assess, recording and reporting on the work of pupils.
4 Preparing pupils for examinations and assisting with the administration of examinations.
5 Providing advice and guidance to pupils on issues related to their education.
6 Promoting and safeguarding the health, welfare and safety of pupils.
7 Working in partnership with parents, support staff and other professionals.
8 Undertaking appropriate and agreed continuing professional development.
9 Participating in issues related to school planning, raising achievement and individual review.
10 Contributing to good order and the wider needs of the school.

Salary for the above teaching posts will be in accordance with current regulations plus £2,742 Distant Islands Allowance (pro rata for part time posts).

Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment.

Tha cruaidh fheum air tidsearan saidheans àrd-sgoile agus tidsearan Gàidhlig bun-sgoile air feadh nan eilean, ach gu h-àraidh ann an Uibhist agus Barraigh, agus tidsearan bun-sgoile (Beurla) air feadh nan eilean. 

Tha Roinn an Fhoghlaim, Sgilean agus Sheirbheisean Chloinne a’ cleachdadh clàr de thidsearan faothachaidh a tha deònach làithean obrach a dhèanamh nuair a bhios tidsearan a dhìth.

’S ann gus cur ri soirbheachadh sgoiltean san fharsaingeachd a thaobh nam puingean a leanas a tha an dreuchd seo:

(b)Cùram agus sochairean
(d)Leasachadh proifeiseanta

Feumaidh an neach a shoirbhicheas a bhith clàraichte aig Comhairle Choitcheann Teagaisg Alba.

Bu chòir do thagraichean aire a thoirt do gach pairt den t-sonrachadh pearsanta nan iarrtas.

A reir phoileasaidhean sgoile agus ughdarras an fhoghlaim, ’s e dleastanas tidsear gnìomhan a choileanadh a reir rùn cheannardan, a’ gabhail suim reusanta de thruimead obair tidseir san fharsaingeachd sna raoinntean a leanas:

1 A’ teagaisg chlasaichean sònraichte ’s an deasachadh ’s an ceartachadh a tha nan cois
2 A’ leasachadh curraicealam sgoile.
3 Measadh, claradh agus a’ deasachadh aithisgean mu obair chloinne 
4 A’ deasachadh sgoilearan airson dheuchainnean agus a’ cuideachadh le bhith ruith dheuchainnean.
5 A’ toirt stiuiridh agus comhairle do sgoilearan a thaobh an cuid foghlaim.
6 A’ cur ri slàinte, sàbhailteachd agus sochairean sgoilearan.
7 A’ co-obrachadh le parantan, luchd-taice agus proifeiseantaich eile.
8 A’ gabhail os làimh leasachadh proifeiseanta freagarrach.
9 A’ gabhail pàirt ann an cùisean a thaobh planaidh san sgoil, a’ toirt piseach air na tha clann a’ coileanadh agus leir-mheas pearsanta.
10 A’ cur ri deagh òrdugh agus feumalachdan na sgoile san fharsaingeachd.

Bidh tuarastal a reir nan riaghailtean làthaireil le leasachadh de £2,742 Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach (pro rata airson puist pàirt-ùine).

Bidh agallamhan air an dèanamh aghaidh ri aghaidh, a’ toirt cothrom do thagraichean tachairt ris an sgioba agus eòlas fhaighinn air an arainneachd obrach.



  • Disability Confident Employer - Employer
  • Scottish Living Wage