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Ref no:
Sleat Primary School School House Teangue Isle of Skye, IV44 8RF
£3,354 - £3,449 per year
Contract Type:
Position Type:
Part Time
6 hours per week

Job Description

Tiotal Dreuchd: Neach-obrach Taice (Tràth-ionnsachadh agus Cùram-chloinne)
Àite: Bun-Sgoil Shleite
Uairean: 6 san t-seachdain
Ùine: Teirm Schuidhichte gus 03 An t-luchar 2025
Tuarastal: £3,354 - £3,449

San àbhaist, bidh an tuarastal aig a’ chiad ìre den bhann.

Neach Fiosrachaidh: Heather Loughlin Fòn: 01471 844326

Adhbhar Dreuchd: Obrachadh mar bhall èifeachdach den sgioba chùraim-chloinne, a’ toirt taic dhan Cheannard ann a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh raon
chleasan brosnachail ann an àrainneachd shàbhailte a choinnicheas ri
feumalachdan chloinne agus an teaghlaichean. Nithear an obair a rèir
phoileasaidhean, stiùiridhean agus mhodhan cleachdaidh Chomhairle na

Cuiribh a-steach TAGRADH AIR-LOIDHNE

’S e fastaiche Co-ionannachd Chothroman a th’ ann an Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd le dealas do bhith a’ leasachadh iomadachd a feachd-obrach. Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air iarrtasan bho dhaoine bho gach cùl-raon, a’ riochdachadh nan coimhearsnachdan a bhios sinn a’ frithealadh. Tha sinn a’ cur air adhart iomadachd, ion-ghabhaltas agus sunnd taobh a-staigh an àite-obrach. Mar fhastaiche a tha misneachail a thaobh ciorraim, tha sinn a’ toirt barantas gun toir sinn agallamh do gach tagraiche ciorramach a bhios a’ coinneachadh nan slatan-tomhais riatanach as lugha airson na dreuchd.

Mar as trice ’s ann tro phost-d a thèid fios a chur gu tagraichean air a’ gheàrr-liosta, mura h-eilear ag innse a chaochladh. Cumaibh sùil air ur puist-d, agus air a’ phasgan sgudail.

Post Title: Support Worker (Early Learning & Childcare) - Gaelic
Location: Bun-sgoil Shleite
Hours: 6 hours per week
Duration: Fixed Term until 03 July 2025
Salary: £3,354 - £3,449

Salary placing will normally be at the first point of the scale.

For information on working in ELC check out

For guidance and tips on ELC roles within Highland Council click here.

Contact Person: ​Heather Loughlin Tel: 01471 844326

Job Purpose: To work as an effective member of the childcare team, supporting the Head Teacher in the delivery of a range of stimulating activities in a safe environment that meet the needs of both children and their families. The work is to be carried
out in accordance with Highland Council policies, guidelines and codes of practice.


The Highland Council understands that diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We are committed to equality of opportunity, and being fair and inclusive. We welcome applications from people from all backgrounds, representative of the communities we serve.

As a disability confident employer, we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum essential criteria requirements for the post.

Shortlisted applicants will normally be contacted by email, unless otherwise stated. Please check your emails regularly, including your junk/spam folder.


- Mus tèid dreuchd a dhearbhadh, feumaidh tagraichean soirbheachail ballrachd a ghabhail ann an Sgeama Dìona nam Buidhnean So-leònte.

- Prior to confirming appointment, we will require successful candidates to become members of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.

It is a requirement that all staff working in early years services register with SSSC and embark on accredited training. It is Council policy that all staff undertaking employment with the Council agree to undertake such training in due course.

  • Disability Confident Employer - Leader
  • Armed Forces Covenant Gold.png
  • Happy to Talk Flexible Working
  • Equally Safe at Work - Development
  • Scottish Living Wage