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Ref no:
Lochaber High School Fort William, PH33 7ND
£31,584 - £47,565 per year
Contract Type:
Position Type:
Full Time
35 hours per week

Job Description

Tiotal Dreuchd: Tidsear Gàidhlig

Àite: Àrd-Sgoil Loch Abar

Uairean: 35 san t-seachdain

Ùine: Maireannach

Tuarastal: £31,584 - £47,565 p.a.


Neach Fiosrachaidh: ​ Scott Steele, Fòn: 01397 702512


Cuiribh a-steach TAGRADH AIR-LOIDHNE. 


Feumaidh Gàidhlig a bhith aig tagraichean.


Mus tèid dreuchd a dhearbhadh, feumaidh tagraichean soirbheachail ballrachd a ghabhail ann an Sgeama Dìona nam Buidhnean So-leònte.


Tha Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a’ cur taic ri gnìomhan adhartach agus a’ brosnachadh iarrtasan bho bhuidhnean fo-riochdaichte gus iomadachd na feachd-obrach a leasachadh. Tha dealas againn do cho-ionannachd is do chothroman agus do bhith cothromach is ion-ghabhalach.


’S e fastaiche Co-ionannachd Chothroman a th’ ann an Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd le dealas do bhith a’ leasachadh iomadachd a feachd-obrach. Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air iarrtasan bho dhaoine bho gach cùl-raon, a’ riochdachadh nan coimhearsnachdan a bhios sinn a’ frithealadh. Tha sinn a’ cur air adhart iomadachd, ion-ghabhaltas agus sunnd taobh a-staigh an àite-obrach.

Mar fhastaiche a tha misneachail a thaobh ciorraim, tha sinn a’ toirt barantas gun toir sinn agallamh do gach tagraiche ciorramach a bhios a’ coinneachadh nan slatan-tomhais riatanach as lugha airson na dreuchd.

Tha pasgan ath-shuidheachaidh aig a’ Chomhairle agus math dh’fhaodte gum bi seo ri fhaotainn dhan tagraiche shoirbheachail.

Mar as trice ’s ann tro phost-d a thèid fios a chur gu tagraichean air a’ gheàrr-liosta, mura h-eilear ag innse a chaochladh. Cumaibh sùil air ur puist-d, agus air a’ phasgan sgudail.

Post Title: Teacher of Gaelic
Location: Lochaber High School
Hours: 35 per week
Duration: Permanent
Salary: £31,584 - £47,565 p.a.

Contact Person: Scott Steele Tel. 01397 702512


Applications from Gaelic speakers are essential.

Prior to confirming appointment, we will require successful candidates to become members of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.

The Highland Council supports positive action and encourages applications from under-represented groups to improve workforce diversity. We are committed to equality and opportunity and to being fair and inclusive.

The Highland Council is an Equal Opportunities employer and is committed to improving the diversity of its workforce. We welcome applications from people from all backgrounds, representative of the communities we serve. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing within the workplace.

As a disability confident employer, we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum essential criteria requirements for the post.

The council has a comprehensive relocation package which may be available to the successful candidate.

Short listed applicants will normally be contacted by email, unless otherwise stated. Please check your emails regularly, including your junk/spam folder.



GTCS Registration is essential

  • Disability Confident Employer - Leader
  • Armed Forces Covenant Gold.png
  • Happy to Talk Flexible Working
  • Equally Safe at Work - Development
  • Scottish Living Wage