- Social Services / Housing / Childcare709
- Education659
- Cleaning and Caretaking146
- Administration / Clerical / Secretarial120
- Hospitality / Catering / Tourism112
- Sport / Culture / Library86
- Property / Land82
- Roads/Transportation61
- Managerial / Executive29
- Financial23
- Health and Safety22
- Engineering / Construction21
- Legal20
- IT / Telecommunications17
- HR / Training / Recruitment15
- Trades14
- Further / Higher Education12
- Call / Contact Centres11
- Economic Development11
- Health Services8
- Fire and Rescue5
- Procurement5
- Marine Services4
- Modern Apprenticeship / Trainee4
- Town Planning4
- Architecture3
- Events2
- Sales / Marketing / PR2
- Scientific Services2
- Graduate1
- Logistics / Distribution1
- Ambulance Service0
- Media / Design0
- Volunteering0