Rossie Young People's Trust
Rossie is a registered charity, a multidisciplinary organisation with a high local, regional and national profile located close to Montrose. We are actively involved in the Scottish Government and Promise Scotland in delivering the change programme for young people. We are enthusiastically engaged with national and international research. We provide education, care, health and specialist psychological services to the most vulnerable young people across Scotland and the UK. All of our young people are assessed as having additional support needs (ASN) as a result of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in their lives. Our young people have been placed in our care via the Children Hearing Panels or Courts.
Our vision is to be a ‘Centre of Excellence that Changes Lives’ and we have received very good and excellent grades in both our Education and Care Inspections. We have won, and continue to win, multiple awards for staff, our young people and the organisation, which provides independent validation of our relentless commitment to continuous improvement. We are determined to retain and build on our sector leading status.
Range of employee benefits: As well as working in an award winning organisation, helping to make a difference to young people’s lives, additional benefits could include occupational sick pay; Employee Assistance Programme (inclusive of payments towards counselling and physiotherapy sessions); cover cost of PVG and associated checks; comprehensive Induction Programme; free on line training (via Flick); access to Learning Partnership (equates to 50% of cost); cover costs of Blue Light Card membership; free on-site work car parking; and free Hep B and Flu vaccinations.
The successful candidate will require to become a member of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children and participate in an individualised Induction Programme.
Charity Number:- SCO19969