Fife Resource Solutions
We are a Fife Council company formed as an “Arms Length External Organisation” (ALEO). Our mission is to deliver best value sustainable waste and resource management services on behalf of Fife Council and to make Fife the resource management hub for Scotland.
We employ over 200 people within Fife to undertake these activities and handle over 220,000 tonnes of waste and recyclable materials per year.
We operate: Material Recovery Facilities; an Anaerobic Digestion Plant, Aerobic composting operations, 11 household waste recycling centres, around 300 multi-material recycling points, fuel production, landfill gas recovery, combined heat & power plant, district heating, active landfill sites, closed landfill sites, leachate treatment facilities and all the associated logistics and business operations.
Our Cireco Commercial Operations business unit is in place to provide high quality waste management and resource services to commercial and domestic clients in order to generate and grow external revenue streams to support Fife Council. Helping the council and external clients in creating sustainable solutions to the challenges they face.