Healthcare Improvement Scotland is an organisation with many parts and one purpose - better quality health and social care for everyone in Scotland.

Support improvements in health and social care in Scotland - involving partners across Integration Authorities, Third Sector, Independent Sector, Housing and NHS Boards who are seeking good quality, timely improvement advice and support to help develop new ways of working that will make a real difference to every service user.

Our work supports health and social care services to improve. This includes the regulation of independent hospitals and clinics along with the following key parts of our organisation which have specific roles:

The ihub: Helps health and social care providers design and deliver better services for the people of Scotland.

Scottish Health Council: Supports NHS boards and health and social care providers to involve patients and the public in the development of services.

Scottish Health Technologies Group: Provides advice on the clinical and cost effectiveness of healthcare technologies that are likely to have significant implications for patient care in Scotland.

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network: Develops evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for NHSScotland.

Scottish Medicines Consortium: Accepts for use those newly-licensed medicines that clearly represent good value for money to NHSScotland.

Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG): We work with NHS boards across health and care settings in Scotland to improve antibiotic use, to optimise patient outcomes and to minimise harm to individuals and to wider society.

Scottish Patient Safety Programme: Improves the safety and reliability of healthcare and reduces harm, whenever care is delivered.