Weslo Housing Management Ltd, a company limited by guarantee with charitable status is a Registered Social Landlord operating in the Falkirk and West Lothian Council areas. Our registered office is in Bathgate with a local office in Bo’ness.

Weslo owns over 2,300 properties in West Lothian and Bo’ness. We are also the estate manager to over 3,500 private owners who have acquired their properties through Right to Buy.

Our key objective is to provide affordable, good quality, rented housing suited to the people of West Lothian and Bo’ness

The company was established in 1994 through a stock transfer of Scottish Homes properties by former employees of the agency. These former employees are now the Chief Executive, Operations and Finance Directors of Weslo and form the Executive Team, and uniquely sit on Weslo’s Board.

Weslo Housing Management is governed by a Board of 12, headed by a non-Executive Chairman. The Board is made up of 4 tenant directors, 5 wider community representatives and 3 Executive Directors forming the Executive Team, who are charged with the day-to-day running of the business.

  • Owns over 2,300 units
  • Has an annual turnover in excess of £8.5M
  • Annually invests around £2M in its housing stock and environment
  • Weslo Housing Management also has a subsidiary company Weslo Initiatives Ltd which operated under the name Weslo Property Management.

Weslo Property Management provide the management and letting function for mid-market rented properties owned by Weslo Housing Management. Weslo property Management also offers a varied range of property services including, property management, letting, factoring, maintenance, landlord safety checks and much more.