Learn all about volunteering

All about the benefits of volunteering and how to get started

Volunteering can be very rewarding, by giving some of your time you can meet new people, gain new skills and experience all while supporting your community. Time spent volunteering can enhance your CV or application form to help you on your journey into a new career all while helping those who need it most.

Local Authorities offer many volunteering opportunities in areas such as:

  • Primary and secondary schools
  • Care homes for the elderly
  • Libraries
  • Day centres for adults with learning difficulties
  • Outdoor ranger services
  • Community care
  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Some volunteering opportunities require relevant recruitment checks including a Disclosure Scotland PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) to be undertaken.

Visit your Local Authority website to find out more about Volunteer opportunities near you.

You may also find these websites useful, https://volunteeringmatters.org.uk/Volunteer Scotland and My World of Work for more information on the different benefits and types of voluntary work across Scotland.

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