How can your meta skills boost your career?

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To ensure we thrive as individuals we all need to develop new skills. These skills are not just to help us cope in this environment of ongoing change, they are skills to excel; to collaborate and empathise with others and to create our own futures. 

To ensure we thrive as individuals we all need to develop new skills. These skills are not just to help us cope in this environment of ongoing change, they are skills to excel; to collaborate and empathise with others and to create our own futures. 

These skills for the future ‘meta-skills’, and define them as timeless, higher order skills that create adaptive learners and promote success in whatever context the future brings. These are the skills that enable individuals to perform highly today; in a changed world of work, they will be required by all of us. These skills and capabilities themselves are not new. In fact, they are ancient human capabilities that have enabled people to succeed throughout history. 

They have been called many things and classified in a range of different ways across the globe. The difference now is the imperative for us to increase the value that society places on these skills, so that they are held by more people and in greater depth. 

Defining them more clearly supports this by increasing our awareness of how these skills are demonstrated, by helping us appreciate that they can be learned and by pointing to how we can go about doing this. 

The skills have been classified under three headings: 

• Self-management: Manage the now – this includes focusing, integrity, adapting and initiative 

• Social intelligence: Connect with the world – this includes communicating, feeling, collaborating, leading

• Innovation: Create our own change – this includes curiosity, creativity, sense making and critical thinking 

‘Skills are temporary; meta-skills are permanent’

Learning a second language or how to code constitutes a skill. A meta-skill, on the other hand, is your ability to learn new languages or code, once you’ve developed that meta-skill, it becomes easier to learn.

So, when can I use them to boost my career? Check out these videos to find out more - 

How to win in life: The Power of Meta Skills -

Dane Jensen - What Are Meta Skills -

The Attention Institute - 2022 Meta Skills -

Credit for background information – Skills Development Scotland and Gustavo Razzetti 


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