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Showing 25 results

  1. Is your career stuck in rut? Here's how to get out!

    It’s a fact: many people are unable to claim real job satisfaction. This can be for a number of reasons, but the need for a change of direction remains constant. So we examine a) how this comes about…
  2. What relevant skills do I have for 2021 and beyond?

    Our natural modesty can often make it difficult for us to showcase our own strengths and skills. What we look at here is working out what skill(s) we might have, and then how they would appeal to…
  3. Is a new job really what you need?

    The days of a ‘Job for Life’ are a bit outdated and most people now will change jobs at least eight times during their career. What we need to consider is how to find all the possibilities open to us…
  4. What is "Brand Me"?

    Many people miss the importance of creating, and being aware of, a personal brand image. However, it allows you to more fully understand exactly, and in simple terms, what it is about you that could…
  5. How to use Job Boards / Websites effectively

    Doing a job search can be both exhilarating and frustrating but, if you make a plan and stick to it, you will succeed. Job Boards offer an obvious ‘route to market’, but they need to be used…
  6. Key things you need to know about interviews

    The very words ‘Interview’ and ‘Dentist’ can often have the same effect on some people. They create an irrational fear, although in fact the reality rarely lives up to it. Of course, there are many…
  7. You never know when you'll be back: so leave nicely!

    Resigning your post is never easy and it can be quite daunting. There is wide-ranging advice on the subject, but the key is to identify each step of the process, from the initial discussion with your…
  8. Take responsibility now ! for your own professional development

    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and describes how professionals can develop and enhance your abilities
  9. Is it a bad day at work or just a bad job?

    Deciding that you want to move to a new position is a bold step and one not to be taken lightly. It may be for career progression, which is OK, but when it’s because of a feeling of discontent – for…
  10. What are your attributes and what are they worth?

    Recognising your own attributes is not always easy – how you appear to others, for example – and you must differentiate between attributes and skills. Being able to identify what these are, however,…
  11. Make that move into the ‘Third / Public Sector’

    There is a wish by many to work within Local Authorities, Charities or Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), often due to wanting to offer something back to the community at large. With over 23,000…
  12. How to develop a great CV

    The very thought of having to write a CV or personal profile fills many people with dread, often because they dislike the thought either of talking about themselves or, as they see it, “blowing their…
  13. Using LinkedIn effectively for your job search

    The rapid growth and now the norm of ‘doing it all online’ is self-evident: shopping, travel, banking, booking cinema seats etc. LinkedIn is part of this brilliant social media circus, the main…
  14. Interviews: The 3 P's - Preparation, preparation, preparation

    “Ooooh. I’ve got an interview tomorrow!” How many times have we heard that – often spoken (or yelled) with a mix of joy and outright fear? And, mostly, the latter comes from people who are worried…
  15. How to have a positive impact in your new job

    Anyone starting a new job will experience a range of emotions, including joy; panic; fear; elation; contentment and satisfaction. The first three of those are likely to occur during the part of the…
  16. Planning ahead to make the best of your career

    How many people go through their career with no real plan or ultimate career goal? The fact is that the majority do exactly that. Why?  Well partly, it’s because, despite the range of extremely…
  17. Help – I’m returning to work after being off for a while

    We all know that getting back into a routine even after a short two-week holiday can take a day or two. Preparing beforehand with notes and reminders can help, but the easy familiarity has to be re-…
  18. Skills v. Attitude: what wins?

    There can often be controversy about the merits of attitude over skills and the truth is both have their place. Sometimes, specific skills are vital for anyone to be able to perform their job…
  19. What sort of job is best for me?

    They old saying “the grass is always greener” can be a total misconception. The grass you’re on could well be the best place for you to be, even if you think it’s not. This is because you sometimes…
  20. Perfect pitches or pitch-perfect?

    There will come a time in your life when you’ll experience a so-called ‘light bulb’ moment – that hopefully original idea that’s just amazing in its simplicity. This could range from an idea for an…
  21. How to enjoy online & offline networking

    Networking (on and offline) has become the norm through the explosion of social media. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter – and all the ‘new kids on the block’ – means that there is greater communication…
  22. How to feel good and perform well at interviews

    The nerves and jitters that seem to be part of preparing for interview can prove to be unnecessary - often left behind you when you’re finally there, in front of the interviewer. It’s rarely as bad…
  23. Getting your feet under the real or virtual! desk

    Well done, you’ve made it and now you are the new starter with a brand new job and responsibilities, new colleagues….new boss. Wow. Quite a lot to take in. And quite a lot to get right – or at least…
  24. Top tips - how to climb the career ladder?

    When asked, most people would say they would welcome a promotion at work. This may include the perceived benefits attached to, for example: a better title, a higher level of responsibility, a better…
  25. Why you should never give up on your job search

    These past 18 months have been awful and the jobs market decimated. It’s been tough. However, if you invert the adage of “What goes up must come down.”, you’re left with the possibility of,…